Darwin Cruise


The Australian Phoenix

Darwin is a young, lively and cosmopolitan city, as you will find in the busy bars along Mitchell Street and watching the runners and cyclists who enjoy the city’s tropical parks and waterfront districts, where your MSC cruise ship awaits you.

Darwin exceeds all expectations: it is one of the fastest growing cities in Australia, with a population of over 136,000 inhabitants made up of a mixture of different ethnic groups. 
To appreciate it fully, visit its historic buildings and natural attractions, or try the excellent Southeast Asian-inspired cuisine
While enjoying your MSC World Cruise, you can take day trips from Darwin to Litchfield National Park, with its waterfalls and forests. Crocodylus Park, on the edge of the city, is perfect for a day outdoors, combined with the beautiful Territory Wildlife Park a little further away. 

Kreuzfahrten von/bis Darwin in 2024

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